Evolution of Intelligence: Empowering Your Mind and Body Against Perceived Dangers

Evolution of Intelligence: Empowering Your Mind and Body Against Perceived Dangers

The evolution of intelligence is an incredible journey that empowers our mind and body to combat perceived dangers, utilizing our organs as a survival armor. By understanding the principles of Germanische Heilkunde (GHk) or in English, Germanic New Medicine (GNM) and embracing the transformative world of biohacking, we can unlock our human potential and achieve unparalleled levels of well-being. In this discussion, we’ll delve into how these unconventional healing methods, paired with emotional healing techniques, can fortify your resilience and optimize your performance. Let’s explore how you can harness the power of evolution to thrive, not just survive, in the face of life’s challenges.

Understanding Our Survival Armor

Role of Our Organs

Our organs play a pivotal role in our survival, acting as the body’s frontline defense against perceived external threats. According to Germanische Heilkunde (GNM), each organ corresponds to specific emotionally-driven conflicts and life situations that are perceived as distressful. When we face a distressful situation, experienced as “ACUTE, UNEXPECTED, ISOLATIVE, CAUGHT OFF GUARD,” our organs respond by adapting to help us manage and resolve these conflicts. Depending on the germ layer and function, they grow bigger, smaller, wider, grow in numbers, secrete or absorb, become numb or hypersensitive. It’s safe to say that our organs have their own “brains.” This is the biology’s natural way of maintaining balance and ensuring survival. For instance, the breast glands might increase its volume through a “fast growth” or “tumor,” during times of deep and frequent worry-based arguments with a child, partner or parent, preparing the breast to provide more “milk nourishment” channeled quickly through the proliferation of cells. By recognizing these organ responses, we can better understand the body’s innate intelligence and how it works to protect us. Through biohacking and emotional healing techniques, we can support our organs in their roles, promoting resilience and optimizing our overall health. Harnessing this knowledge empowers us to enhance a huge part of our human potential suppressed greatly by the fear narratives peddled by synthetic sick-care industries.

Perceived External Dangers

Perceived external dangers are stressors that trigger our body’s survival mechanisms. These can range from physical threats, like encountering a wild animal, to modern-day stressors, such as financial worries or relationship issues. The body doesn’t differentiate between these types of threats; it responds to all as if they are life-threatening. This response is deeply rooted in our evolution, ensuring our ancestors’ survival. However, in today’s world, chronic exposure to these perceived dangers can overwhelm our system, leading to health issues. Understanding how these stressors affect us is key to developing strategies to mitigate their impact. Through biohacking and techniques like emotional healing, we can reframe our responses, reducing the perceived threat and allowing our bodies to return to a state of balance. This not only preserves our well-being but also empowers us to realize our full human potential, transforming how we navigate life’s challenges.

Empowering Mind and Body

Empowering the mind and body involves harnessing the natural synergy between “PSYCHE-FITNESS” and physical health. By understanding and applying the principles of Germanische Heilkunde (GNM) and biohacking, individuals can enhance this synergy. These approaches encourage us to tap into our human potential by recognizing the body’s inherent wisdom and its capacity for self-balancing, self-regenerating, self-organizing. Techniques such as Emotional Freedom Technique or “tapping,” PSYCH K Whole-Brained Posture, Heartmath Quick Coherence heart-brain breathing, and ShinPo Thought Mastery System, can shift our perception of stressors, transforming them from threats into opportunities for Self-Mastery. This mental shift is pivotal in boosting resilience and optimizing performance. Furthermore, biohacking practices, like choosing a WOE (Way of Eating) that supports optimal hormonal balance and the use of technology to track health metrics like sleep trackers, connecting daily with the healing forces of nature, support our physical well-being. Together, these strategies create a robust framework for living a balanced and empowered life. By embracing these methods, you not only defend against perceived dangers but also unlock new levels of personal and professional potential, paving the way for a fulfilling existence.

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Eli Abela