More About Me

As a Human Potential and Vitality Coach and Biohacking Pioneer in the Philippines, my dream is to provide more people with healing and recovery programs using non-conventional holistic wellness. 

I wish to give Filipinos access to alternative wellness modalities that can relieve their pain and suffering through UNTLD.

"Intuition is seeing with your soul "

- Dean Koontz

I believe in human potential.

And every human being has the potential to be unlimited.

Because of this, I have always sought to beat my personal best.

I was a sickly child. Growing up with asthma made it hard for me to move about. 

So it became my goal to explore my body and how I can maximize it. 

I became active in sports and movement. And I treated everything that’s happening in my life as an adventure.  

Little did I know that everything was about to change. 

It all started when I met an accident while snowboarding on Whistler Mountain in 2009.

The edge of my snowboard caught a bump that threw me forward. Because of it, I ended up with a bruised hip.

My immune system became highly compromised. It also led to me contracting shingles that grew so bad it left a scar on my crown. 


The experience was so uncomfortable it forced me to look at my life.

That’s when I heard a voice inside me say, “Quit now and prepare.” 

The year was 2009. In the quiet solitude of Vancouver, I stood still, listening to the voice that told me to take the first step to my calling. 

So I packed my bags and took off to a new adventure.

The Voyage Begins...

I took on Yoga as a part of my healing practice. And funny enough, it opened my heart and soul to a new calling. 

My whole life was all about exploring joy in movement. Yet here I was experiencing a new kind of bliss and stillness in a six-foot mat in the comfort of my home.

But then my mother suffered an aneurysm while on a plane. They had to do an emergency landing in Japan to take her to the nearest brain trauma center. 

For the first time, I was scared. I didn’t want to lose my mom, so I dropped everything and flew to her side. 

The doctors claimed that my mom would never talk or walk. 

We were even told that there was a possibility that she would never wake up. 

But when I came to her, she opened her eyes and started communicating with nodding and blinking. 

I knew it was a miracle. And I also knew that that was the Divine’s way of pushing me towards a new purpose and goal. 

So I decided to start my new adventure in India, where I met with gorgeous souls and amazing people. 

I listened to my inner voice, found my own peace, and started on my lifelong commitment to helping humans heal their trauma, optimize their bodies, and unleash their full potential.

My Goal

Our current lifestyles expose us to chronic stress, trauma, anxiety, sleep problems, and other diseases. From the food, we eat to the way we live, our bodies have become a vessel for junk.

As a Certified Bulletproof Human Potential Coach, I am committed to helping Filipinos find new ways to better themselves through biohacking. 

Biohacking can help you eliminate the waste your mind and body has accumulated over the years. 

Wellness modalities such as EFT, Neurofeedback, and Matrix Reimprinting can help people find the right balance you need for optimal performance. 

Let me help you get it started today.

My mission is simple.

As a Human Potential and Vitality Coach, I want to help peak performers like professional athletes and entrepreneurs reach their full potential through biohacking techniques. 

This includes getting rid of blocks that stop them from achieving their goals like past trauma, anxiety, and chronic stress. 

I strongly believe that biohacking techniques can help them perform at their best. This will help peak performers provide more value and enrich other people’s lives too.

Eli Abela