Evolution of Intelligence: Empowering Your Mind and Body Against Perceived Dangers

Evolution of Intelligence: Empowering Your Mind and Body Against Perceived Dangers The evolution of intelligence is an incredible journey that empowers our mind and body to combat perceived dangers, utilizing our organs as a survival armor. By understanding the principles of Germanische Heilkunde (GHk) or in English, Germanic New Medicine (GNM) and embracing the transformative […]

The Whispers of Horses

“Your 5-year old self knows exactly what you came to earth for” – an unforgettable quote from one of my favorite books, “Mastery,” by Robert Greene. When I was about 5, my foot got stuck in a horse stirrup, probably saving my life. I was in Baguio City, a place that has captivated me since […]

Why Invest in a Broken Paradigm? Change it UP!

If there were anything in the world I could change right now, it would be to reverse the damn food pyramid and the current way we are being taught to achieve health. Why are we allowing these broken ways of thinking and twisted paradigms to perpetuate when they are obviously not working? Eat more grains, […]

Eat Cheesecake and Lose Weight

EMPTY CUP. EMPTY CUP.Eat CHEESECAKE without gaining weight! So intrigued by this author, Joel Greene, after having heard his two part podcast with the guapito Ben Greenfield (link in comments)  This guy has been into Keto, HIIT, MCT since the 80s and 90s and was one of the first to discover the importance of the […]

Fantastic Fungi

I have just fallen in love with the mycouniverse. I really encourage watching this film “Fantastic Fungi,” featuring mycologist Paul Stamets. It’s free on myflixer dot to but please support his advocacy if you can, by purchasing it on vimeo or fantasticfungi for $14.99 When humans lost their ability to telepath in the 3D world, […]


This is the biggest LIMITING belief: Life is all downhill when perimenopause hits. I’d like women to think differently about this stage in our lives that Mother Nature GIFTED us. Perimenopause is when our true calling can finally LAND AND MATERIALIZE, with motherhood out of the way and wifehood in its comfort zone, says Christiane […]

The one thing that’s worth a goddamn

Since Netflix and the whole binge TV paradigm essentially killed the pay-per-view industry, I feel the quality of films and TV programs have become quite diluted. Everything is free for all. Anyone with some sort of decent budget can make a film about anything these days and honestly most of what Netflix spews out is […]

Let’s all meet there

“If you Build it, THEY will come” This was the voice talking to me in 2015 when I discovered Bulletproof Coffee. My First question: “Build what?” My second: Who is “They?” Being a movie buff, I watched and re-watched the 1989 movie Field of Dreams looking for signs.”If you build it, HE will come” naman […]

Are we looking in the right place for our next-step in evolution?

I’ve Been spending the past two weeks ear-reading three books. All of them interweave concepts, ideas, scientific studies, that culminated in formulating one compound question in my mind: What is the human being’s threshold for next-step evolution and can we cross it in this lifetime? Biohackers are often labeled as charlatans, maniacs, weirdos, iconoclasts, rebels..and […]

“How Biohacking Saved Me from Panic and Anxiety of the GCQ”

“If I were depressive, today would’ve been a good day to jump…” These are my words, and the last words you would ever hear from me, Eli-belly the smiley, a self-strengthened Biohacker, a trauma therapist, and possibly one of the most positive people in the world. So positive, I’ve been told to “cheer down.” But […]

Eli Abela